Design Philosophy

I am a junior interior design major at Washington State University. I have always been interested in design. I enjoy creating abstract and organized spaces. Figuring out corrections to problems through design is a process I believe is fundamental. When I design I want to meet the needs of a client in a creative way. I like to find multiple solutions to a problem to hear opinions to consider a different approach. I think design should have meaning, and that is what I strive to tell in my designs.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Bench Design Process Poster

From this project I gained more experience in Photoshop and InDesign. I used Photoshop to create my header and to correct images on the poster. I used skills I gained throughout this year to create my header and correct images. This poster was a great way for me to learn organization of things. People being able to understand what I am saying and not being distracted by unorganized materials was what I was striving for. The texts I chose, I think are a little safe but work well with the over all design layout. Working with negative space could have been achieved differently, but I am pleased with the final product. I also got more experience with writing in design terms with my concept statement located at the top of my poster because I have not had much experience in that department.

Outside Macro Sketchs

This one of my favorite sketches because I was able to mix in color. It is always fun to use new medias. These sketches helped me focus on details more, and was interesting because if you do not necessarily know what the sketches are you could assume they are anything.

Kitchen Still Life

I drew this sketch on Easter Sunday and found it fit to draw the bunny ears with some utensils. I was having issues with perspective, but I like the idea of this sketch. I think once I have more practice with drawing texture this sketch will be much better.

Chair Sketch

This is an older chair from my dorm lobby and I chose to draw it because it was not too complex, so I could focus on drawing in perspective. I learned more about perspective with this sketch. I could have added more detail.

Value Study in Line

I like this sketch because it taught me multiple ways to look at light casting shadows. I am still working with perspective views and I think they are getting better, but it is hard to show detail while using a pen.

Erased Negative Space

I liked this sketch because it was taking a 3D object into a 2D form. It was different drawing with the eraser, but it helps me understand the medias more. The bike shape was complex and this sketch helped me realized it can be seen in a not so complex way.

Chair Negative Space

This sketch was interesting because i learned to look at a form instead of all the details in a new way. I had to start over a few times with this sketch because I kept wanting to put in the details. I learned that This sketch turned out very interesting because it is like a white shadow instead of black.

Small Hardware Element on Black Paper

This was about what was most important in the sketch frame. The dominant element stands out before the background. This is a hinge of a window that is brown/brassy colored. I chose to use pink for the handle and lighter colors for the background, so the hinge would be the focus. From this drawing I learned more about perspective and importance.

Figure Tracing from Photograph

I am glad that I traced the figure drawings before this sketch because I was more familiar with the media. Tracing a figure is interesting because it is not about every detail, it is about the shape.

Figure Tracing from Figure Drawings

This was difficult because the media was an ink pen. I had to get used to the pressure I needed to use. With the figure tracing it was helpful to watch the paper with the figure drawn and not where your hand was moving. This was to see if the figure would come out the way it should.

Fruit Cross Section

This is a cross section of an apple and tomato. The apple was easier to draw from me because the shape was specific, but the tomato was difficult. I could improve on the line weights of pencil used, and work on my perspective. Light spots are hard for me to do because I try to draw them, but I need to think about what not to draw.

Shade and Shadow of a Room Corner

This is the corner of the lobby in my dorm building. I learned more about perspective with sketch. And the shading was a bit tricky, but you just have to keep sketching even if it looks weird at the beginning because the sketch will come together.

Sketch Book Cover and Reflection