Design Philosophy

I am a junior interior design major at Washington State University. I have always been interested in design. I enjoy creating abstract and organized spaces. Figuring out corrections to problems through design is a process I believe is fundamental. When I design I want to meet the needs of a client in a creative way. I like to find multiple solutions to a problem to hear opinions to consider a different approach. I think design should have meaning, and that is what I strive to tell in my designs.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Habitat For Humanity 2011

At Habitat for Humanity I helped insulate the frame of the house. This home is going to have three layers of insulation so the heating bills will be less expensive and energy efficient. I only put the first layer of insulation in because the plumbing and electrical needed to be inspected, so we couldn't put all three layers up. Because the walls are going to be so thick the window wells will be pretty large and I thought that was interesting. I used measuring skills to cut the insulation that did not fit in the framing as is. I also learned how to use a drill screw gun. I drilled screws into the sub floor so that the sub floor was not popping up on the seams. I was not very good at first, but I eventually got the hang of it. The experience of being in a construction site was beneficial because I was able to see what I will be specifying when I design. I got to see how big bed rooms and bath rooms are in a home to compare to my studio project I am working on.

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